Appendix No.1
to the Service Agreement (Public Offer)
Private College Client Rules
dated March 17, 2022.
These Rules of the Client of Privatе College (hereinafter - «Rules») are an integral part of the Agreement on rendering Services of the Public Offer (hereinafter - «Agreement»). These Regulations shall use the terms and definitions of the Agreement, as well as the own terminology of the Regulations.
Read these Rules and remember that ignorance of the rules does not exempt from liability.
1. Discipline
The client shall:
Carry out Private College assignments in good faith.
2. Feedback to the Organizers
Any disputable situations and conflicts should be resolved only personally with representatives of Private College in the correct form, preventing the dissemination of inaccurate information about Private College, services and/or other Private College Clients, as well as avoiding any violations of Georgian legislation regarding the protection of honor, dignity, business reputation and the restriction of the dissemination of knowingly false, defamatory, unreliable information.
To do this, you should write a personal message to the representatives of Private College at,
2.2. Do not discuss contentious and conflicting situations with other Private College Clients, not bring such situations to the discussion on the Internet, including social networks, chats, and forums. In case of disputes and conflicts in relation to Private College and/or other Clients, adhere to the principles of correctness, reliability, and legality.
3. Communication of Clients in the process of obtaining skills and knowledge within the framework of the Service Package
3.1. Show tolerance and respect to the Clients of Private College.
3.2. Refrain from conduct, statements, publications that could provoke, offend, cause any harm to other Private College Clients.
3.3. Avoid conflict situations.
3.4. Refrain from making public statements, judgments and judgments with regard to Customers and organizers.
3.5. Provide only constructive feedback.
3.6. Comply with the Privacy Policy as defined in the Agreement and keep information about other Clients within Private College, thereby creating a safe space.
4. Ethics Committee
4.1. Private College shall establish an ethics committee to deal with contentious and conflicting situations related to violation of these Rules by Customers, as well as violation of ethical norms when communicating with other Clients and organizers.
4.2. The Ethics Committee may consider cases either on its own initiative or at the request of other Clients, in the event that violations of this Code and/or the Agreement are revealed as a result of the review, The Committee may recommend that Private College apply to a violating customer the liability measures provided for in the Agreement, including the right to suspend the provision of the Services or unilaterally terminate the Agreement without a refund. Any refunds shall be made in strict compliance with the rules of Private College and on the grounds established by the Agreement.
5. Compliance with the principles of Private College
5.1. Be hardworking and active.
5.2. Share and help others.
5.3. Feel free to ask for help. Write, ask questions, and contact the organizers of Private College for feedback.
5.4. Be sincere and open.
6. Restrictions on the subject of online schools of clients.
6.1. Clients undertake not to establish online schools on the same subject as Private College Services, including not to hold any events, including webinars, master minds, similar in theme to events organized by Private College, because it is a direct violation of the Intellectual Property and Privacy Rules of the Agreement.